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Congrats, you’re pregnant!  

Whether this is your first pregnancy or your fifth, one feeling that you may experience at some point(s) over the next 10 months is fear.  

First… it’s okay (and quite common) to feel scared.

The first thing I said to my sister when I told her she was going to be an Aunt is, “I’m scared.” Real talk.

Your feelings are valid and deserve to be explored.

Acknowledging your fears is one of the best ways to cope with them and rob them of their bigness.  

Whether it’s fear of loss, fear of change, or fear of losing your pre-baby body, it’s time to dig in.  

Write them down. Sit with them. Allow yourself to feel the feelings.

This process will never take the pain of a loss away. It will not make you fearless. But, what it can do is give you tools to help you shift your mindset.

When you’re ready… it’s okay to move your fears to a smaller corner of your mental space. Now it’s time for a shift.

Here are 5 journal prompts to help you shift into a positive mindset:

  1. When I hear my baby’s heart beat for the first time, I will feel…

  2. I am brave because…

  3. My body is beautiful and perfect because…

  4. I love thinking about life after baby because…

  5. I love being pregnant because…

Your fears may return; however, you get to choose to put them in their tiny little corner.

You get to choose your thoughts.

Before you go, grab a copy of my FREE Pregnancy Planner!